vicker313 tech blog

December 15, 2008

Install Fedora Core 4

Filed under: Linux — Tags: — vicker313 @ 7:57 am

Install medium:

  • 4 pieces of Fedora Core 4 Installation CD
  • Disk 1 is the boot disk, while Disk 2 to 4 contains the packages that can be installed. So it will depend on the Package Selection to see which CD will be needed.

Installed machine specification:

  • CPU: Pentium 4 3GHz
  • Hard Disk: 10GB
  • Memory: 512MB (64MB is used in video memory)


  1. Press enter to select Graphic Install (type in linux text and enter to select Text Install)
  2. Skip or ignore the CD defect test
  3. Welcome page, click next
  4. Language selection, select “english”
  5. Keyboard selection, select “us english”
  6. Installation type selection (desktop, server or custom), select “server”
  7. Partition method selection (auto or manual), select “manual”
    1. delete all the partitions in the hard disk
    2. insert 2GB swap partition
    3. insert 17540MB (the rest of the hard disk free space) ext3 partition, set mount at root (/)
    4. as a result, the root partition will be named as “/dev/hda1”, while the swap partition is named as “/dev/hda2”
  8. Boot loader selection, select “hda1”
  9. Network configuration
    1. disable DHCP
    2. set static IP
    3. set mask
    4. set gateway
    5. set primary DNS
    6. set secondary DNS
    7. set host name “testserver”
  10. Enable firewall and disable SELinux (disable SELinux is important for installing Oracle database)
  11. Timezone selection, select KL
  12. Set root account, password as “testserver” (minimum 6 characters)
  13. Package selection to be installed
    1. X Window System
    2. KDE / Gnome (choose anyone)
    3. Editors
    4. Graphic Internet
    5. Text-based Internet
    6. Server Configuration Tools
    7. Development Tools
    8. Administration Tools
    9. System Tools
  14. Click next to start the install (it takes about half an hour, and user needs to stay near to the machine so that can change the installation CD. All the 4 disks will be used)
  15. After installation and reboot, user needs to agree to an agreement in order to continue the installation
  16. Set date time
  17. Set display
  18. Create another system user (user name “test” and password “testserver”)
  19. Set sound card
  20. Additional CD, ask the user whether any other packages are needed to be installed. If no, just click next
  21. Finish


  1. Check whether the machine has mounted the swap partitions or not. Execute “free” command.
  2. If no swap partition is mounted, edit “/etc/fstab” and add the following line

    /dev/hda2 swap swap defaults 0 0

December 6, 2008


Filed under: Design — Tags: — vicker313 @ 7:27 am

The first time I heard of ambigram is from Dan Brown’s Angels and Demons. Since then I started to create my owned ambigrams.







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